Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Yesterday I received an email from BYU and four text messages concerning a "sever weather warning". Campus closed at 3:00 PM and was closed all day today in preparation for this storm. After I got out of work, early, I went to Smith's to buy treats for the Snowapolooza party we put together and it was a mad house, packed with people buying provisions for the end of the world.
So I went home and hung out, with some great company and delicious food obviously, and waited for the storm of the century to arrive. And waited. And waited. And this was all we got:

A skiff you might say. The trees and mountains aren't even fully covered. Also, it was nice and sunny when I woke up this morning. What a let down this snowpocalpyse was.

Joke's on you BYU, but thanks for giving me the day off anyway!!