Thursday, March 31, 2011

Experience The Experience

I recently received (thanks Mom and Dad!) Michael Jackson: The Experience for my Wii and I am in love. It's tons of fun. Just ask to see my Thriller next time you see me.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

One Year

One year ago today I made one of the better decisions I've made in life and spent a fantastic day with my parents at this place

and I've spent lots of fantastic days there since. I just love it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today I Miss...

My Grandparents.

Today is my Grandma's Birthday and she's been gone for...longer than I care to remember, but she was the coolest. She liked to travel, she liked to cook, eat, shop, and she had a great sense of humor. I'm going to pretend that I got some of those things from her.

I miss this house too.

50 years later. Old people can be so cute.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Beware the Ides of March

For some reason I've always been partial to the Ides of March. Maybe it's because I have an appreciation for Shakespeare (and in fact, I have seen Julius Caesar in Stratford Upon Avon the
birthplace of William Shakespeare himself), maybe it's because March is my birthday month so I'm kinda just partial to the whole thing, maybe it's because I received my first kiss on the Ides. Who knows? Alls I'm sayin is, good things can happen around March 15th and since Caesar's already been taken care of, there ain't nothin to beware of.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Serious Question

Should I or should I not grow out my bangs?

This is serious business people and I just can't make up my mind so I'm turning things over to you, the 4 people that read this blog. Oh I hope it's not an even split. I'm coming up on that awkward stage, but before I dedicate myself to the time intensive process that is growing them out I wanted some input. What should I do? Sometimes life is just so hard.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Red Lipstick

I have a confession. When I spend time on fun blogs like this one, I have an increasing desire to rock red lipstick. Like, just on normal days, to work or on the weekends or whatever. Not quite sure I can pull it off, but don't be shocked if I try.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Musical Desire

I watched these two videos today:

In doing so I was reminded, just how much I wish my life was a musical. Just for a day. That's all I ask. I just want to walk down the street and have music blaring across the sky and people come out of no where, and somehow they (and I) would all know the dance moves, not to mention the words to the song. It would be such a blast! Sigh. One day, all I need is one day.