Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A few things...

#1 Last night was craft night.  You didn't know?  Well too bad you missed out, because I went to Katie's and she taught me how to make something like this:
From this tutorial
 I call it a success.

#2 Last night I realized that I could live by myself if I had/wanted to when I killed a spider.  All by myself.  Just call me Miss Independent.

#3 Sometimes I wish I could rap.

#4 Nordstrom's keeps sending me emails about fall fashion.  Stop rushing me through my summer Nordstrom.  As much as I love fall and the fashion that goes with it, I do not appreciate it.

#5 I want to become a cheek kisser.  Like a European.  

#6 Recently I've been watching Roswell, and then yesterday I went to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon and consequently my dreams last night were action packed and full of aliens.  Super entertaining.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Black Toenails

On account of I ran/was training for a half marathon, that's 13.1 miles in case any of you didn't know (I just like saying that, that's all), I have sort of ugly toes now, and this is coming from a girl who grew up a ballerina. That says something. Anyways, so today Dusty sent me this artical:

Black Toenails: A Runner's Rite of Passage |

and after reading it, I've come to grips with the state of my black toenails and have decided to show them off proudly. Get ready.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So You Think You Can DANCE Dance dance

I don't normally do a lot of reality tv, but I love sytycd.  Love it.  They just have some seriously talented people.  I love watching talented people dance.  And all things Travis Wall. 

Friday, June 17, 2011


Country singers that try to rap make me feel weird.  I just can't get behind it.


Just some more highlights from my recent trip to Florida (I am going through a collage phase.  Deal with it.):

 Kennedy Space Center

Cocoa Beach

All things Disney

And that about wraps things up.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sweaty Mcsweaterson

Remember when I signed up for this race? Well after many weeks of blood, sweat, and tears (and sacrificing time that would better used going out to eat with the people) I finally did it.

This is me coming in.  They even said my name.  Correctly.
My rewards for the 13.1 miles. Chocolate milk and a creamy! Delicious.

They gave me a medal.  I'm in love.

And on this day, of Niko's birth, I dedicate my race to curing Alopecia.  Or at least Nick's Alopecia.  Happy Birthday!  You're welcome.

I feel like a total champion.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Washington, D.C.

According to my most recent trip.  In picture form.  Cause that's how I roll.

Some of my dearest friends and I recently headed over to the east coast to see this girl get married. 
 But before all that, we did a little sight seeing.  We had to take advantage.  You understand.

We spent time getting in touch with our inner selves,
and spending some quality time with our very first honorary nephew. 
 We got lost and almost missed the wedding...
but we made it!  And it was beautiful.
We spooned,
and thanks to Debbie got our very own treat bags for the drive to the reception, making the traffic barely noticeable.
The reception was at the James Madison house in Montpelier and it was blast and so so pretty.

It was so much fun.  Congratulations David and Rachel!

Friday, June 3, 2011


I got this text message from my dad yesterday:

"So mom and I just went to your great uncle Lyle's funeral and half of the pall-bearers were named Dedman"

Hahaha, get it?  Like dead man?  See what he did there?  Ah good one. 

Is funeral humor inappropriate?  Sorry if it is.