Friday, December 31, 2010

peace out 2010

This year has been good to me. I have done lots of fun things. Lets review:

I went to New York

spent some time at this place

I turned 24

I went to Colorado with some fun people

went to a wedding or two

I still love to spoon

I had surgery

went to probably the coolest concert ever

I went to the rodeo

I went camping

spent the 4th of July at Moose Hollow with some more fun people

I played softball (but am no longer undefeated)

I bought a new car. You may know him as Joe.

I went to Bear Lake (the awkwardness of this picture is just awesome)

I saw the fall leaves. It's tradition after all.

I carved pumpkins

I went to Boston in the fall

went to see the brother in lots of shows, including The Nutcracker. I also dyed my hair come to think of it.

I spent another Christmas with my family which was just lovely

and shipped this one to Florida for a while. I'm gonna miss him.

Thanks 2010 for treating me so well!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Little Voice

My mom told me a couple of days ago that I had the singing voice of a little girl. It was like she just realized, silly Mom. This is not the first time that I have heard something like this, nor will it be the last I'm sure. When I take calls at work I often get questions like "You're the supervisor?" or "How old are you?". I am the supervisor and I'm 24. Believe it. Every time I see an old bishop of mine, he tells me I should be doing voice overs for childrens' cartoons, and maybe I should. Might as well make some money off of this little voice of mine.

Monday, December 20, 2010


There was a boy wearing a three piece suit made of denim at church yesterday. It was like the classic jean with jean jacket outfit from the 90's had been catapulted into the 10's becoming this classy creation. My question is, where/how does one acquire such a find?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thought of You

Some of you may have already seen this, but I'm a little bit in love with it, so here it is again. I miss dancing.

Also, while we're on the subject of dance, I'm a huge fan of the Ballerina Project. I just love admiring the beauty of these photos. They make me want to bust out my point shoes and dance around the city.

I'll be home for Christmas

I love being around my house at Christmas time. Mom always has the place decked out and looking great. It just has such a cozy feel during the holidays.

And there are always delicious treats around. This weekend, mom sent me home with an entire chocolate souffle. One of my absolute favorites.