Monday, January 31, 2011

Hard Times

Did you guys know that there is a restaurant in the Utah State Prison? It's true, it's called the Hard Times Cafe and it is open to the public. The prisoners have undergone culinary arts training through prison education programs so they do all the cooking. A girl I know was telling me about it and she says that the food is delish. Really fresh stuff, great quality, and just all around good. She even got one of the baker's to give her his original oatmeal cookie recipe. Also, the food is really cheap. They only charge enough to sustain the restaurant. I want to go. Anyone want to join me?


  1. Yea...that's insane sounding. I'm a bit intimidated by the concept. Let me know if it's worth it! haha!

  2. If Michael Scofield is dishing up my food, I am in.

  3. I am with Beth--I will go, but will just be a little bit wary of my surroundings
